Friday, January 31, 2014

Primative Markings on Wild Mustangs: Sulphur Springs Grulla Colt #481

Sulfur Mountain Ranger
References provided by Wild Horse Photographer and Advocate Matthew Pestour
Sulphur Springs HMA  Utah
4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Primative Markings on Wild Mustangs: Grulla (With Lace) Gelding #480

Black Rock East HAM
This Happy Adopted Mustang Has  faint Lacing on his Grulla Coat in Summer
4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist
Reserved for Adopter

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Primative Markings on Wild Mustangs: Dunalino Mare Red Desert Complex / Facility Born #479

Delores Jean
Happy Adopted Dunalino Mare
Dam was from the 2011 Red Desert Complex Round up in Wyoming
Painting is 4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist
 Dun is considered a wild or primitive color pattern among horses wild or domestic. This little mare is also a palomino.  She not only has  a dorsal stripe but she has striping on her legs and  darker red outlines on her ears. One of the more famous of the Dunalino Mustangs in the us is Corona of Sand Wash Basin HMA. In addition to his dun striping and he also has a darker burnished face during the Summer like some of the more acient breeds.  

This little mare is owned by Kirren Dolan.

The image on the right can be clicked to see it larger. You can see
her dorsal stripe along her back as well as her leg strips.
And you can clearly see her WH&B Program Brand on her
neck.  She really is quite pretty.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Primative Markings on Wild Mustangs: Pangare Brown Mare Jackies Butte, Oregon #478

Jackie Butte Mare
WH&BProgram Internet Adoption
4 by 6 inches watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist
Painting SOLD

One of my projects this week has been to put together a poster to promote wild horse adoptions. While I was doing it, I got a wonderful Idea for a collage to remember adoption days. A photo of the horse the day of the adoption, a painting of the horse in watercolor, a graphite drawing of the horse and the tag when it is removed. From Captivity to the beginning of a new life as an amazing companion in its new forever home. This is how adoptions should be, the beginning of an amazing partnership.

Collage made of one 4 by 6 inches
watercolor, One 4 by 6 inches graphite
drawing, the BLM number tag, and
a pick up day photo. The background is the
" Grease Wood" design for scrap booking
and crafts also designed by LindaLMartin.
Contact the Artist at

Today is day two of the Internet adoption of the Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse and Burro Program. Each horse that is privately adopted means one more horse that doesn’t go into long term holding. There is still time to qualify. For more information go to

For information on having your newly adopted Mustang Painted or to have a collage designed of  your new partner contact the artist directly at
Photo images and reference photos for this project provided by the Wild Horse and Burro Internet Adoption January 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Primative Markings on Wild Mustangs: Dun Filly Utah Painting #476

Dun Filly

Sindbad, Utah HMA
4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by Linda  L Martin Artist
Reference photo from up and coming young photographer Mariah Saharee. You can check out her photos on facebook at :  Mariah Sharee  also trained this filly and is quite talented at starting mustangs.

For information on how to have your wild horse's portrait painted please contact me at

Tuesday, January 14, 2014