Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Challenge Painting #362 Mares and Foals Of Corolla

Mares and Foals of Corolla
Outer Banks, NC
6 by 9 inches Original Watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist
If  you are interested in are interested in chatting with and sharing experiences with many of the people who own wild horses on the east coast and about the east coast wild herds come join our group on Facebook:
The East Coast Wild Horse Caravan Group
We share the latest news from all the organizations that manage and care for island wild horses along the east cost as well as other interesting facts about and experiences with wild horses from all over the country that live on the east coast now.

Special Thanks to Kim Galluzo the photographer  who provided the reference shots for the Corolla Wild Mustang Horses. You can see more of Kim's Photographs on her facebook Page:

Kim also has a website:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Challenge Painting #361 Raymond the Wild Mule Of Corolla

Wild Mule of Corolla
Outer Banks of North Carolina
6 by 9 inches Original watercolor
by Linda L Martin
If  you are interested in are interested in chatting with and sharing experiences with many of the people who own wild horses on the east coast and about the east coast wild herds come join our group on Facebook:
The East Coast Wild Horse Caravan Group
We share the lastest news from all the orgs that manage and care for island wild horses along the east cost as well as other interesting facts about and experiences with wild horses from all over the country that live on the east coast now.

Special Thanks to Kim Galluzo the photographer  who provided the reference shots for the Corolla Wild Mustang Horses. You can see more of Kim's Photographs on her facebook Page:

Friday, November 9, 2012

Challenge Painting #360 Sand Wash Basin Gelding Internet Adoption

Sand Wash Basin HMA Gelding #7726
Currently at Honor Farm Wyoming.
4 by 6 inches Original Watercolor
by  Linda L Martin Artist
I was looking at the photos of  the horse they call Thunder. He is currently at  Honor Farm in Wyoming. Boy is he a chunky charming stock horse type. And from the looks of it he is a nice easy keeper.

Ive noticed that lot of this stock horse type from Sand Wash Basin are indeed easy keepers.  If you get a chance look at some of the photos of the Bachelor Stallion  Cowboy. He really has the build. In this day and age a good easy keeper is a valuable asset in farm and ranch working  horses. 

Thunder has been started under-saddle and needs to be fine tuned and have some experience. From the people Ive talked to who own some of these Sand Wash Basin horses, it takes a bit of time to get into their heart; but once you do, they give their soul for you.  Please take a chance on this lovely boy. If you can not adopt, then share with your friends.   Remember if he doesn't sell, grab his id number you can still get him once you have that info.

Internet Auction Information On Thunder:

Honor Farm Wyoming

Sex: Gelding Age: 6 Years   Height (in hands): 14.2
Necktag #: 7726   Date Captured: 10/17/08
Color: Chestnut   Captured: Sand Wash Basin (CO)

#7726 - 6 yr old chestnut gelding, captured Oct 2008 from Sand Wash Basin HMA, Colorado.
TRAINING UPDATE: “Thunder“ is saddle-started.
Thunder is in training at the WY Honor Farm. For more information, email Scott Fluer, Wild Horse Specialist, BLM Lander Field Office at: or call 307-332-8413.

Pick up options (by appt): Rock Springs, WY; Elm Creek, NE; Pauls Valley, OK; Piney Woods, MS.
Other pick up options: Mercedes, TX (January 17); Marianna, FL (January 25); Del Rio, TX (January 31).Shipping options for this animal must be finalized by November 19. After this date, all unclaimed animals will be available for in-person walk up adoption ONLY.
The opening bid is $125.00          You must be approved to bid and logged in.
If you already logged in, you must have completed an application and it must be approved before you can place a bid.

Link to participate in the online auction:

To see Cowboy and the other horses currently on the range at Sand Wash Basin HMA connect here:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Challenge Painting #359 Blue, Palomino Valley Holding Facility Happy Mustang Adopted.

Bay Roan Born in the Palomino Valley Holding Facility
14 years old  
Watercolor 4 by 6 inches
by Linda L Martin Artist

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Internet Adoption: Sand Wash Basin Wild HMA Mare Challenge Painting #358

Update:  This beautiful Mustang Mare was one of 10 Sand Wash Basin Mares along with the stallion, Regal G who was adopted from the Canon City Prison Program and placed into Sanctuary at Great Escape Mustang Sanctuary in Colorado. You can read more about the Sanctuary at

Sand Wash Basin Mare #7178
Available for adoption via the BLM intenet adoption.
4 by 6 inches watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist

A very elegant mare.

As I was painting this mare to night what struck me was her eyes. And the way she is built she looks just like Barbie, Jimmy Darksand's mare. She is 4 years old and one of 7 young Sand Wash Basin HMA mares at Canyon City in their holding Facility. In the spring of 2013 I will be hopefully painting the other 6 young mares in hopes of getting their info and helping get them adopted as well. They come in a varity of colors and I really cant wait to see them. For now though we really need to get this mare into a good home or sanctuary. If you cant adopt her.. pass this around to your friends. Thank you so much for your help. This sweet mare's info is below:

She seems to be a very nice mover.
Info on #7818
Sex: Mare Age: 4 Years   Height (in hands): 14.3
Necktag #: 7818   Date Captured: 10/17/08
Color: Gray   Captured: Sand Wash Basin (CO)

#7818 - 4 yr old gray mare, captured Oct 2008, in the Sandwash Basin HMA, Colorado.
This horse is currently located in Canon City. For more information, contact Lona Kossnar at 719-269-8539 or

Pick up options (by appt): Canon City, CO; Elm Creek, NE; Pauls Valley, OK; Piney Woods, MS.
Other pick up options: Mercedes, TX (January 17); Marianna, FL (January 25); Del Rio, TX (January 31).
Shipping options for this animal must be finalized by November 19. After this date, all unclaimed animals will be available for in-person walk up adoption ONLY.
The opening bid is $125.00       

  You must be approved to bid and logged in. If you already logged in, you must have completed an application and it must be approved before you can place a bid.

Here is where to bid: The link to the BLM Internet Auction you can bid on this mare or look over the other available horses:

If you like this mare and you were not able to bid she will be available to adopt as a walk up. But you need to have her number and information so they can find her. There are hundereds of horses in the holding facility at Canon City Colorado.

If you would like to see some photos of Barbie, the mare still running wild, that looks so much like the mare I painted tonight, please go to the Sand Wash Basin Wild Horses Page and take a look at the thousands of photos of the Sand Wash Basin herd in Colorado.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Challenge Painting #357 Two Socks Corolla Herd from The Outer Banks of North Carolina

"Two Socks"
Wild Stallion of Corolla Herd in Currituck County North Carolina
8 by 10 inches Watercolor  Original
by Artist Linda L Martin
The Story of Two Socks is a sad one that came to my attention last May shortly after my birthday. Two Socks was a very popular stallion  who was seen often  and remembered by repeated visitors to the islands as they watched his family grow and develop.  Two Socks, a beautiful black stallion, was given his name his name from his two hind socks.

Two Socks is also a story of the challenges of managing the of  wild horses in areas where development is happening quickly. While local governments are struggling to play catch up with regulations, they are also trying to increase their tax base in order to provide services necessary to those moving into the new developments.  It is the challenge of land that has multiple use and multiple owners. All the while sustaining the population of wildlife and wild horses in a dwindling habitat. It is a further challenge because land is limited simply because these are islands.

The beach at Corolla is also considered a main road for 4x4 vehicles and a way for people to get to their homes, as well as to visit the Atlantic Beach for sun and swimming. Driving has always been permitted on the beach as long as I can remember and at this time there is no real move to close a portion of the beach to vehicles.

Wild Banker Horses share the beach
roads on the islands of the Outer Banks.
The non-profit Corolla Wild Horse Fund
was formed by concerned citizens a result
of 19+  wild  horses loosing their lives
to altercations with vehicles on the open
road. In addition to educating the public,
there is a fine of $500 if one harms a 
Wild Horse in the county. The Corolla Wild
Horse fund is currently working on
legislation at the state and federal levels
to put additional  protections in place for
this historically significant and loved herd.
Photography by Kim Galluzzo.
Used by Permission

On the night of May 28th the black stallion, Two Socks, was either defending his band or having a bit of frolic on the beach with his mares when it was reported that he ran into a vehicle and received terminal injuries. Speed was not an issue with the vehicle, nor was alcohol, according to newspaper accounts. The driver was said to be very fond of the wild horses on the island and was heart sick at the accident.

While a lot of people want to place blame in this situation, anyone who has faced a wild deer on a back country road in the dead of night knows that brown is hard to see if there is no additional light. Two Socks was a deep blue black and would have been impossible to see on that dark moonless evening running through the sand. Having spent a night or two on the beach at the Outer Banks myself as a child I know how dark it can get even with the white sand on a starry night.

It is incredibly sad to have lost one such as this noble stallion in any circumstances, especially, one such as he, who was so well loved.  At some point, and soon, changes that favor the safety and preservation of the horses will need to be made to lessen and end the opportunity for the devastating impact of such accidents.

To read more about the  management and challenges of  protecting the Wild Horses of the Outer Banks and what is being done to protect them and their habitat please go to:

Reference photography for tonight's painting provided by Kim Galluzzo.  Information about Two Socks and the challenges of  managing horses in a suburban area was gathered from personal experience, stories from people visiting the Outer Banks, a variety of local and regional news publications including the Virginia Pilot News Paper.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Image #356 Reflections (Finished) Corolla Herd from The Outer Banks of North Carolina

Corolla Wild Horse
8 by 10 inches Original Watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist
The Corolla wild horses are actually genetically mustangs. After having been tested at the onset of the current preservation efforts, it was found that the highest portion of their DNA came from the Barb and Arabian Horses of Spain, probably brought into the area from trading with the Spanish Settlers that settled in  Florida and South Georgia during the 1500s.

These small horses  are sometimes called Banker Horses or Banker Ponies because of their size. Usually they are about the size of a mid-sized pony when running in the wild. The reason they are so small is because of their diet of marsh grasses.Their thin bloated belly appearance is caused by drinking brackish water. In-fact  in the whole of the Outer Banks island system there is no fresh water for wild things, except when the occasional  rain storm fills in the gathering pools. At one time, before development encroached in to the range of the horses, they also would dig through the sand to find fresh water according to one account of their history.
A wild Banker Horse grazes  next to
a housing development. These horses
desperately need  the protection
of an uninhibited range. Since the
development of residential areas along
the islands of the Outer Banks of
North Caroline, the horses not only
have to compete with thousands of
tourists, but also huge numbers
of houses cluttering their habitat.
Photography by Kim Galluzzo.
Used by Permission

Unlike the  Chincoteague  and Assateague ponies  in Virginia, Banker Horses are found in solid colors of bay, chestnut, Chestnut with Flaxen Manes and Tails,  black, brown, and buckskin. They do, on occasion, have some white markings, sometimes on their faces and/or their legs below the knee. The horses are currently managed by the Corolla Wild Horse Fund.

Like all the wild horses on the Eastern barrier Islands of the United States, the Corolla herd is not protected under the Wild Horse And Burro Act. To read more about the Corolla herd and what they are doing to have the herd legally protected, you can read about the history and goals here:

Reference photography for tonight's painting provided by Kim Galluzzo.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Image #355 Corolla Herd from The Outter Banks of North Carolina First Half.

I am a little over half way through the first painting of the 5 for this series of  the Corolla Wild Mustangs and will write more about the horses and some of the challenges they face tomorrow. This is the first image. I will reveal the name and details tomorrow. Please enjoy.

First half of the First Corolla Wild Horses  Painting
More details and the completed painting tomorrow.
Tonight I start on the first of a new collaboration with Photographer Kim Galluzzo. Kim visits the Corolla Wild Mustangs of Currituck County, North Carolina once or twice a year to photograph the herd. Since I started the Mustang A Day Challenge in December of 2010 I have been looking for a prolific photographer to work with on all of the Outter Banks Herds.  Kim has provided some very nice images for me to work from and will share some of her experiences as we move through the creative process. Thank- you, Kim for working with me on these very special Heritage horses.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Painting #354 "Run Little Horse" for the Book Three Amigos of Sand Wash Basin

"Run Little Horse"
Brave Chasing Apache
For inclusion in the Book Three Amigos of Sand Wash Basin
13 by 8 inches Original Watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist
Reference Photos for the painting by Joe Tosh

Three Amigos of Sand Wash Basin, a book written by Patrick F. Brennan Jr., Joe Tosh & John Wagner, is a book full of wonderful stories of these three close friends photographing the wild Mustangs at Sand Wash Basin. The book will also be chuck full of the Amigos collective “Best of the Best” wild horse photos that they have collected over the past three years. The book will be released on November 15th of this year- available online ( only and in hard cover edition. This publication will also have two great stories on adopted mustangs- one of them is horse that was gathered at Sand Wash Basin in 2002. The book will also feature three wild horse artists, Karen McLain, Linda Martin and Melody Perez, with paintings photographs from the authors and one from an original work.

The authors met on Face Book, when Joe and John saw photographs of Patrick Brennan had taken of Gymkhana competitions in the Denver area that he had posted on Face Book. John invited Patrick to come out to Sand Wash Basin to photograph the wild horses at SWB. They quickly became fast friends and have had many trips together out at Sand Wash Basin since then.

The idea for the book came from some conversations between the Three Amigos while they were together at Sand Wash Basin last year- when Patrick Brennan floated the idea that they should do a book together about all the great adventures they have had photographing the wild horses.  Patrick thought about it over the winter months and announced on his first visit the following Spring that he was going to go forward with the book. Phone calls, e-mails and Face Book messages fired back and forth between Patrick in Denver, Colorado and John and Joe in Dinosaur, Colorado. Before a few months had past the outline and bare bones draft of the book was down on Patrick’s laptop and they were off and running with it. They are self-publishing the book and if initial sales do well- than Patrick Brennan will be in further contact with a couple of publishers that will take a look at the book for wider distribution based on those initial sales numbers.

There will be no pre-ordering of the book, it will be available online only through A price has not yet been determined. It is expected to be in the $30 to $35 range- but that is just an estimate at his point.  The official link for the book will be posted on Patrick Brennan Website  and there will also be a Face Book page put up by the authors by November 1st  that will be dedicated to the book and will have the direct link for the book posted there.

Patrick Brennan will be featured in a full length article in Sidelines Magazine, a national equestrian magazine published in the US and Canada. The Three Amigos of Sand Wash Basin book will be mentioned prominently in that article. The story will be in their November issue – due out on October 20th, 2012.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Challenge Image #353 Apache of Sand Wash Basin HMA

Detail of Apache for the Book of Sand Wash Basin Painting.

Detail of Apache
by Artist Linda L Martin
The entire painting will be shown in my next blog post. I just didnt think it fair to little Apache not to give him the spotlight before I showed the entire painting. Apache is a feisty little bachelor stallion that according to wild horse photographers at Sand Wash Basin HMA in Colorado spent most of 2011 following along with Band Stallion Brave's band and trying to steal a mare of his own. The Stallion, Brave, was stronger bigger and more experienced, but that didn't stop Apache. While he didn't get a mare last year, he did gain valuable experience that will help in years to come in finding and defending his own mares.

I will share the entire painting with information on the Book and how to Pre-order in my next blog post. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Challenge Image #352 Study of Brave's Face before Connecting.

As you all probably know by now I am painting a watercolor this week that is to be included in a book about the Sand Wash Basin Wild Horses.  I am Collaborating with Photographer Joe Tosh of Colorado on this one.

"Study of Brave"
6 by 6 inches Watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist
Joe's action image is so awesome that I decided to do a special study of  Brave's face just before he was about to connect teeth to hide of the horse he was chasing away from his band. Brave is a very stocky and formidable and certainly a force to be reckoned with when it comes to protecting his band. I don't think Ive ever seen, either in life, or in photography a stallion with a mouth that opens quite that wide. And it really shows the bravado of the little bachelor stallion who challenged him.

Tomorrow the close up of  Apache in the painting and information on  how you can pre-order the new book by Patrick Brennan,  Joe Tosh and John Wagner on Friday.

Challenge Image #351 Brave of Sand Wash Basin HMA

This week I am working on a very special collaboration for a book about the Sand Wash Basin Wild horses. Ive never worked with photographer Joe Tosh before. The reference shots for this painting came from him. They are pretty amazing.

Detail of the work in progress
Joe is one of the great photographers that pals around with John Wagner one of my regular collaborators John A Wagner, Patrick Brennan and Joe are the photographers who are putting together the project.

The painting is nearly 3/4ths the way finished. I will put the whole thing on the blog on Thursday. I am one of three artists invited to participate in this honor. This is a pretty amazing project. Thank you Gentlemen for inviting me.

The final painting will be 9 by 13 inches. This is just a close up of Brave. There are two mustangs in the painting. Name to be announced.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Shatzi 2012 Foal Sand Wash Basin HMA Challenge Painting # 350

4 by 6 inches watercolor
by Artist Linda L Martin
To see more of the amazing wild mustang horses of Sand Wash Basin HMA  go to facebook and like the Sand Wash Wild Horses Club Page :

A special Thank- you to photographer John Wagner for the reference photography for this painting.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sagewood 2012 Foal Sand Wash Basin HMA Challenge Painting # 349

The Legacy of  Davy Greasewood.
The Legacy of Davy Greasewood
4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by LindaLMartinArtist
Most people will remember that early in 2012 Band Stallion Davy Greasewood was humanely euthanized on the range when he sustained a life threatening injury. It was later discovered that Davy G had a 16 inch piece of barbed wire wrapped around his leg.

Davy was a very  popular stallion with his band of two mares, Yarrow and her daughter, White Sage. Just a few weeks before  his death , I was told that the domestic mare, Demi, joined the band also. Very shortly after Davy's death  a sorrel stallion named by the horse watchers as Haze took over the mares and has had them to my knowledge until this writing.

Davy's death brought to light some of the real man made dangers to wild horses. Wire and other trash left behind on the range can cause untold peril for wild horses and other animals that frequent the range. The problem of the discarded wire had inspired many volunteers to help clean up the range twice so far in 2012.

While many of us are still missing Davy Greasewood, we are also delighted  to find that  over the summer White Sage delivered a dark chestnut foal. This filly was named, appropriately, Sagewood.  Now the fact is that actual patronage of a stallion to a specific foal in the wild is a bit arbitrary and can usually only be confirmed by DNA testing,  I think it appropriate to assign Davy G with father hood of this little filly. She has a look about her that reminds of him even though she is not his color or markings.

In truth she will know Haze as her father and Band Stallion until such a time that she leaves the band or is stolen by another stallion.

To see more of the amazing wild mustang horses of Sand Wash Basin HMA  go to facebook and like the Sand Wash Wild Horses Club Page :

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Mustang: Mudpie, Paisley, Oregon 1999 Challenge Painting # 348

"Mud Pie Resting"
Rob and Marietta Roby Adopters
4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Mustang Brumby, Warm Springs HMA Challenge Painting # 347

 Karen  Goodroad's Brumby:
4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by LindaL Martin Artist

Happy Mustang Cassie 1993 Sheepshead HMA, Challenge Painting #346

4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist
Cassy 's story as told by Marietta Roby:
"Here is Cassie, 1993 Sheepshead mare.  she came to us very angry at people after being abused by her first adopter.  That is the story of many of our horses.  Cassie was adopted at 5, reassigned at 6, started under saddle at 8, and is now a good saddle horse."

Marietta and her husband, Rob, rescue, adopt  Mustangs and are  actively involved in the TIP Program as Trainers.

You can read more about becoming a TIP Program Trainer through the  website.

Happy Mustang: Gus Painting # 345

4by 6 inches Watercolor
by LindaLMartinArtist

Gail, Gus's owner adopted the sorrel mustang from the BLM when the horse was 2 and her son Colter was 9. The mustang was Colter's Christmas present.

In Gail's words: "It was sort of funny, because I wrapped up that folder you get from the BLM with horse care info, the tag etc. Colter opened it and looked at it for a second, but didn't really know what is was, he politely said thank you, and put it down.

A while later he looked at it again and asked what it was. I told him just some stuff about wild horses. And I told him to go out to the barn to get me a bridle. He walked out there and I followed. When he saw Gus with the drag line, he froze. Then turned around and looked at me and started yelling! So funny!

Anyway, he of course started messing with the colt right away, and it took him about a week before he could get up to him. Gus has a pretty high flight instinct (still) and I think it was great that a little person got him. I ended up helping Colter a lot with the ground work, and within about 6 months he was riding him. Colter did all of the in saddle training himself. He got bucked off many times.

11 years later they are still a great team. Colter is away to Texas, for college now, but when he comes back in the summer to work at the pack station, he and Gus are a great pair. The horse is a little machine on trails."

Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy Mustang: Just a Little Patience 2001 South Steens HMA. HMA Painting # 344

"Just a Little Patience"
South Steens HMA
Occupation: Dressage
4 by 6 inches Original Watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist
Today's Happy Mustang is Patience. She is about 11 years old. Patients was captured at South Steens HMA in Washington State. This beautiful mare has it all over most warm bloods in temperament and athletic ability. She is currently in training with her owner Kendra Kimbirauskas as a dressage horse. I will let her photos tell the rest of the story. The US Dressage Federation is located in my part of the country and Ive seen some amazing warm blood dressage horses. This mare just has all sorts of potential. Good luck Kendra and Patience, a very happy Mustang team.

Kendra riding her mustang, Patience, in a dressage test.
Photo provided by Kendra Kimbirauskas used by permission

Kendra and Patience in training.
 Photo provided by Kendra Kimbirauskas used by permission

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Mustang: Gunner Pryor Mountain HMA Painting # 343

2003 Wyoming Mustang from Pryor Mountain HMA
4 by 6 Inches Watercolor
by Linda L Martin Artist

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy Mustang: Burley Sheepshead HMA Painting # 342

4 by 6 Inches Watercolor
by LindaLMartinArtist
Burley was one of a number of Mustangs who have been fostered at the ranch of  Marietta and her husband Rob Roby.  Burley came to them a 2007 Sheepshead, yearling.  He was fostered with them after his first adoption, to fix some issues before reassignment. 

Marietta and Rob have done quite a bit of reassignment rehab work, rescue, whatever needed to be done to help get a mustang into a good home.  They have owned or fostered about 40 mustangs.  Some have stayed with them to live out their entire lives, however most of the others have gone on to great partnerships.  Most of the mustangs we have had came to us from failed adoptions and have the problems to go along.  Getting a horse "fresh" from BLM is usually a walk in the park.    According to Mariette when mistakes are made that is when she and Rob can step in and give the horse a second chance to be a Happy Mustang in a Happy Home.

Happy Mustang: Clara Painting # 341

4 by 6 Inches Watercolor
by LindaLMartin Artist

Clara was 4 years old when she came to  Gail's house. Gail tells me she was given to the by a friend. She is a little BLM Branded Mustang who filled a great void in her son's life after the death of his pony.  Now in college, her son gave Gail the game little roan mare. Clara is now 10 years old and entering the prime of her useful life. Not only is Clara wonderful as a ranch and trail horse but she is also a driving horse. ( Will be painting an additional  watercolor of her around Christmas in full harness)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Mustang: Arroyo born after adoption, Painting # 340

"Best Friends"
Arroyo and Linus
4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by LindaL.Martin Artist
I couldn't decide if the real story here was the mustang or the cat. Arroyo was born  after captivity. According to his owner at the time, Marietta, his mother was a Steens HMA mare and his farther was a Kiger.  The cat's name is Linus.

Marietta shared with me that Linus is a horse loving cat and love to bond with the mustangs they take in to train.  She said that Arroyo used to roll Linus around like a ball, while Linus purred and collected all kinds of junk in his long fur.  

Another interesting thing is that Linus liked to be held while Marietta rode. Arroyo and Linus had a very special relationship, however, Arroyo was sold before his cat friend, Linus,  had to opportunity to ride him. Since Marietta and her husband  are TIP Trainers and take in mustangs that are in crisis situations, Linus was never at a loss for a new mustang to befriend.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us Marietta.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Happy Adoption:Mustang Sally, Twin Peaks HMA, Painting # 338

"Mustang Sally"
4 by 6 Inches  Watercolor
by LndaLMartinArtist

Mustang Sally is living proof that sometimes you need to keep on looking to find your perfect adoption match. Adopting a mustang isn't just getting a horse, its a learning process that can teach you more about you.It can teach you patience and what the true meaning of trust is.

Here is the story of Mustang Sally in the words of her owner Cherlynn Raffone:

"I have an 2005 bay mustang mare, gathered from Twin Peaks HMA(California) as a yearling. She competed in the '08 Midwest Mustang Challenge and came in 5th out of 50.

From their she was adopted out to a man in NY on Long Island, where I currently reside. He had her for only a few months and sold her. She then went through 7 different owners all saying she was crazy and too much to handle. Well here we are a 1yr 1/2 later.

We have had our ups and downs, but now its just up up up. I love this horse so much! She gives me strength and faith. She is an amazing trail horse, rides english/western, works cows, does barrels and poles like its her job. She loves to jump. She is that great all around horse that everyone wants. I'm proud of her and what she stands for. I'm honored to say I own an American Mustang."

Blogger's Note:
Mustangs are easy to adopt, simply by meeting the requirements set down by the BLM. The most successful adoptions are the ones where the person adopting the horse asks questions and even takes instruction or advice from others who have successfully adopted and built relationships with their horses. 

Give yourself a head start in learning how to work with wild horses using natural horsemanship methods and networking with as many mustang owners as you can. This way you can  share you successes and learn from each other's mistakes. Don't expect that one class or session will get you there, because each wild horse is different, with different experiences in the wild, during  and after capture. Your job is to learn your horse, while he learns you and to build trust and understanding while you do it. It wont always be easy but the rewards are amazing especially the first time that wild horse comes to you  to let you touch him because its his idea.

Every day I hear testimony after testimony of how fun wild horses can be. They not only have skills of independent thinking and living in social units but they translate that fun into games with you that develops a bond like no other. 

Adopting a mustang also helps with the growing problem of too many wild horses that are no longer on the range. Once a horse has three strikes, meaning they have been offered for adoption 3 times they are then designated as a three strike horse and shipped to a Long Term Holding Facility(LTH) These facilities are also known as sanctuaries. In these sanctuaries as many as 5,000 wild horses run in freedom, with in the confines of a ranch.However, all the stallions are gelded and the herds are kept as same sex groups that do not reproduce.

The horses can be purchased in groups by approved individuals. Sometimes a trainer will offer to purchase a trailer load of these horses directly from the facility or simply buy one or two Sale Authority horses to bring home and invest time in. However, most are never seen by the public again  because they are warehoused on private property. Once a horse enters  LTH they become invisible, unless you know their registration number or their brand. They can be found via their brands. 

Please considerer adopting a wild horse and take the time to learn how to handle it, building  a relationship with them. In this way, one by one, we help protect the wild mustang horses that are in captivity, while we are also protecting wild horses in the wild..

If you would like more information on Adopting a wild horse please go to the BLM adoption page:

If you live in the Mid-Atlantic States on the East coast of the US and are already a successful adopter or would like to network with other successful wild horse or burro adopters  feel free to message me here or join us on the facebook page

To have your horse painted for the Mustang A Day Challenge contact the artist at:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy Adoption: Rhett Adopted through the TIP Program Painting # 336

4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by LindaLMartinArtist

Nicole Stuart McAleer's story on how Rhett came  be hers: 

"Last fall (2011) I was helping a trainer with her mustang for the Extreme Mustang Makeover. After that mustang she loved it so much that she brought in 4 TIP horses. At the time I couldn't have one because I already had 2 horses. About 40 days after the TIP horses came in my 5 year old gelding passed away of unknown causes. I was devastated and so was my mare. The TIP trainer informed me that "Brownie" as he was called, was still available and asked if I was interested. I couldn't resist the idea of a mustang, as I have always wanted one. So in January of 2012, I brought him home.

My favorite book is Gone With The Wind.My mare came with the name Scarlett, so that is where the name came from. We thought BLM's Gone With The Wind was a good name and call him Rhett around the house. He spent 30 days with a trainer and withing 6 months we allowed beginners to ride him. He has a wonderful temperament and is a pleasure to own. Other than my mare I don't think I will ever own another breed!!"

The Tip program ( Trainer Incentive Program) is a good way for a new adopter to adopt their first mustang. The trainer must be approved by the Mustang Heritage Foundation then they have a period of time to handle the mustang that is fresh off the range. The horse is gentled, feet handled and most of the ground work is done to make sure the horse can be handled safely for grooming, vetting, hoof care, haltering and leading and loading safely into and out of a trailer.. Tip trainers can also help with additional training for the first time owner. To find out all the requirements to adopt a mustang through the TIP progam please go to 
 Just click on the map for trainers near you.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wild Horses Up for Adoption: Silver Sorrel Filly #9718, Divide Basin HMA, Wyoming Painting # 335

Silver Sorrel Filly #9718
4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by LindaLMartin
Update: This Filly was adopted after the Auction. She is now a Happily adopted mustang.
I call this color Silver Sorrel. It is when a chestnut horse has a silver mane and sometimes silver tail. Usually they are a deep reddish brown. Its a color I had never seen before until I began painting mustangs. They are of course beautiful.

This Filly's Stats:
Filly #9718

Sex: Filly Age: 1 Years   Height (in hands):
Necktag #: 9718   Date Captured: 10/28/11
Color: Sorrel   Captured: Divide Basin (WY)

#9718 - 1 yr old sorrel filly, captured Oct 2011, from Divide Basin HMA, Wyoming.
This horse is currently at the Rock Springs Corrals, WY. For more information please contact the corrals at 307-352-0292 or email

Pick up options (by appt): Rock Springs, WY; Elm Creek, NE; Pauls Valley, OK; Piney Woods, MS.
Other pick up options: Other pick up options: Glen Rose, TX (Oct 4); Canutillo, TX (Oct 11); Canvas, WV (Oct 19).
The opening bid is $125.00
You must be approved to bid
and logged in.

How to be approved to adopt a wild horse:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Wild Horses Up for Adoption: Chestnut Gelding #1377 Jackies Butte HMA, Painting # 334

Jackies Butte Gelding #1377
4 by 6 inches Watercolor
by LindaLMartin Artist
Another sweet yearling from Jackies Butte. This yearling is available to bid on by approved bidders through the BLM's Eastern States Internet Adoption.He would certainly benefit from a good home willing to use natural horsemanship to  partner with him and build a lasting relationship. Trust building with a mustang is always the best way to go for a successful adoption.

If you don't have room for this wonderful mustang gelding please share far and wide so we can help find him an awesome home.

Here are his stats:
Sorrel Gelding #1377
Sex: Gelding Age: 1 Years   Height (in hands): 14.2
Necktag #: 1377   Date Captured: 08/04/11
Color: Sorrel   Captured: Jackies Butte (OR)

#1377 - 1 yr old sorrel gelding, captured Aug 2011, from Jackies Butte HMA, Oregon.
This horse is currently located at the Corral Facility in Hines, Oregon. For more information, contact Patti Wilson at 541-573-2748 or email or Tara at

Pick up options (by appt): Burns, OR; Salt Lake, UT; Elm Creek, NE; Pauls Valley, OK; Piney Woods, MS. The Burns, OR facility will haul 400 miles, one-way, for successful bidders. Other pick up options: Glen Rose, TX (Oct 4); Canutillo, TX (Oct 11); Canvas, WV (Oct 19).
The opening bid is $125.00         
You must be approved to bid and logged in.

How to be approved to adopt a wild horse:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wild Horses Up for Adoption: Chestnut Gelding #9783 Divide Basin Wyoming, Painting # 334

Chestnut Gelding #9783
Divide Basin Wyoming
4 by 6 inches Watercolor
Today's painting is a wonderful little dark chestnut gelding from Wyoming. This yearling is available to bid on by approved bidders through the BLM's Eastern States Internet Adoption.He would certainly benefit from a good home willing to use natural horsemanship to  partner with him and build a lasting relationship. Trust building with a mustang is always the best way to go for a successful adoption.

If you dont have room for this wonderful mustang gelding please share far and wide so we can help find him an awesome home.

Here are his stats:

Yearling #9783

Sex: Gelding Age: 1 Years   Height (in hands): N/A

Necktag #: 9783   Date Captured: 10/29/11
Color: Chestnut   Captured: Divide Basin (WY)

#9783 - 1 yr old chestnut gelding, captured Oct 2011, from Divide Basin HMA, Wyoming.
This horse is currently at the Rock Springs Corrals, WY. For more information please contact the corrals at 307-352-0292 or email
Pick up options (by appt): Rock Springs, WY; Elm Creek, NE; Pauls Valley, OK; Piney Woods, MS.
Other pick up options: Other pick up options: Glen Rose, TX (Oct 4); Canutillo, TX (Oct 11); Canvas, WV (Oct 19).
The opening bid is $125.00      
You must be approved to bid and logged in.

How to be approved to adopt a wild horse: